Exceptional Reception
As a songwriter, I’ve often described my creative process as though I have tuned into an invisible radio frequency… that a muse has gifted me with some insight and melody, which I then take and fold and craft into the form of a song.

Many creatives over time have referred to the muse in their process. Not to diminish their sense of discipline or their skill or their time, the muse is simply a spark that helps ignite those things into action. And many creatives talk of specific places in the world that feed their creative spirit in a way that can be difficult to describe other than to invite others to also visit and feel it for themselves

Cape Breton Island is such a place. Not only because of its social history and complexity that lends itself to interesting stories and observational commentary, but something of a natural phenomenon by which those with an inner “antenna” can pick up on a creative frequency that is nothing short of beautiful. I describe Cape Breton Island as having exceptional reception.

I believe this is why many artists of a variety of disciplines call the island home. I believe this is why there are more musicians here than I can count; why I could not answer “how many musicians do you know” easily, because there are so many. I believe this is why creative innovators have done a great deal of their work while here (I’m looking at you, Alexander Graham Bell). I believe creative spirits can tap into something special here.
If you are a writer (potter, painter, composer, sculptor, actor…) I implore you to come, visit and feel for yourself.